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Quality Management System

We are proud of our plant’s strict product quality control. Its international standard manufactory was awarded the ISO 9002 verification in August 2001, and ISO 9001 certified in year 2004. The continuous operation and improvement of its quality system is closely monitored on all aspects of the production line as to achieve the corporate mission – serve the client, stable operation, and constant business.

Suitable quality planning of disks and related products will be implemented with ISO 9002 standards to form the corporate quality system.

Departmental supervisors will continuously educate and train staff members on the standards and methods of all procedures requested in the quality system. Instructions will be in writing and workers are requested to strictly follow.

Under the guidelines of the Quality Handbook, it adopts a management auditing, internal quality checking and production examining to complete the adaptability and efficiency review. Review result will be standardized and recorded in writing.

It adopts a “Malfunction Process” and “Adjust and Avoid Process” to improve product quality.